Infield Groomers

Pro Infield

Infield Groomers

Infield Groomers

All Star
Infield Groomers

JD Bunker Rake Improvement Kit

JD Field Finisher BE23422

HY72 HyBrid Infield & Turf Groomer


Golf Greens Groomers


Driveway-Yard Groomers

Infield Groomers, Synthetic & Natural Turf Groomers, Golf Greens Groomer, Driveway Groomer, All Manufactured Here!

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Optional Broom Extension Kit. Fits all 72" Wide Rear Smoothing Brooms.

Note: You do not need this option is you already have a 90" Wide Rear Broom.
This Broom Extension Kit PABE-1800 is meant for those who have a 72" wide Broom and want to
make it wider.
Adds 18" to standard 72" wide Rear Smoothing Broom.
This kit adds 9.00" to each end of the Broom (if desired). Helps cover wheel tracks of wider tow vehicles.
User can add 9.00" to each end of Broom - or to only one end of Broom. Includes frame extensions,
attachment bars, alum channels, brushes & hardware.

PABE-1800 Broom Extension Kit, IMG_4734,100dpi,75h

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Heying Company  Phone: 712.756.8847  Fax: 712.756.8849
Mailing Address: 515 6th Ave. Alton, Iowa 51003 
Manufacturing Address: 101 Tenth St. Alton, Iowa 51003 

Infield Groomers, Sports Turf Groomers, Golf Greens Groomers, Driveway-Yard-Trail Groomers For Sale Here. Factory Direct Pricing.
Proudly Made in the USA
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Heying Company   Alton, Iowa 51003  USA  Copyright (c) Heying Enterprises, All Rights Reserved 

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