Infield Groomers, Synthetic & Natural Turf Groomers, Golf Greens Groomer, Driveway Groomer, All Manufactured Here!


Sports Turf Groomer MG72 (Natural & Synthetic Turf)

See Catalog for complete details.

MG72 Sports Turf Groomer

Tongue Towed and Direct Mount Quick Attach Models

Sports Turf Groomer MG72 Tongue Towed 2023
Turf Groomer TX Quick Attach IMG_0955 125h
Factory Direct Pricing, Red 25high
Turf Groomer Sell Sheet 120h
Request Quote, 25high
How to Order button,25high
Parts button,25high
Turf Groomer Video PLAY Button 450w
MG72 Synthetic Turf end zone rubber infill, 280w
MG72 Multi Groomer. Grooming White Field Edge Quick Drop Off Attachments IMG_1197 375h
Turf Groomer Swivels When Turning IMG_9733 9748 IMG_9733 9748 red 125h MG72 Multi Groomer with Magnet, 625w Turf Groomer TX Quick Attach IMG_0867 125h

Quick Attach Models Swivel When You Turn

Quick Attach Makes Travel Easier

MG72-TX Gator TX Quick Attach Multi Groomer IMG_1602 125h Turf Groomer GT Quick Attach IMG_1085 125h
Turf Groomer IMG_0691 125h
Quick Attach Swivel Multi Groomer IMG_1403 125h
Swivel Engineering 125h

Strongest Magnet on the Market!
Optional Rear Magnet. 72" wide. Built using N52 Neodymium Rare Earth Magnets and adjustable anti scalp turf wheels. Removes debris from Turf while grooming. If you are comparing turf groomers then ask what type of magnets are used. None stronger than our magnet.

The Multi Groomer is a versatile tongue towed maintenance machine for use on Synthetic and Natural Turf. Implements include two rows of staggered spring tines (front) followed by our exclusive high performance broom carriage.

MG72 Magnet Synthetic Turf,Titled,280w

Turf Magnet IMG_4434 125hWhat's Hiding in Your Turf? Ferrous metal objects such as track spikes, bobby pins, safety pins, nails, and other objects create hidden dangers to athletes and degrade synthetic turf. The MG72 Multi Groomer removes this debris while grooming.

· Stands up matted down Fibers while it Combs and Grooms Turf.
· Relieves Compaction and Redistributes Infill to prolong turf life.
· Optional Rear Magnet removes ferrous metal objects.
· Exclusive "High Performance-Compact Broom Carriage" unmatched performance.
  And our broom "Doesn't Hop" !!

· Broom includes 6 individual brushes housed in a our exclusive carriage.
· Synthetic bristles are designed for turf, resist wear and will not rot.
· Brushes can be easily rotated and replaced when needed.
· Two Rows of Spring Tines are completely adjustable so you can decide
  how much contact (if any) you want with the turf.
· Can be used to De-thatch.
· Heavy Duty Steel Construction  · Pull with variety of towing machines
· No tools needed to adjust engineering  
· Easy to Use and Affordable.  · Saves Labor

All Trail Groomers include following Standard Equipment: Two Rows of Independently Adjustable Spring Tines. Heavy Duty Steel Welded Frame. High Performance Leveling Implement. Tongue towed models include No-Air-No-Flat Wheels (they never need air), and Heavy Duty Electric Actuator.
Tongue Towed "How to Order". Choose from 5 Model Numbers when choosing a tongue towed trail groomer. Each model number represents a specific "Electric Operator Lift Control System".
Quick Attach "How to Order". Our Quick Attach Swivel Models attach directly to the rear of your tow vehicle. UTV's and Side by Side utility vehicles with either 1.25" or 2.00" Receiver Hitches. We have specific models for John Deere Gator TX and Toro GTX Vehicles. All others are considered standard rear receiver hitch vehicles (see QR model). See Catalog & "Factory Direct Pricing".

Sports Turf Groomer MG72  Pricing Effective 1-1-2024

Direct USA

Model Numbers

Model Numbers represent the different "Operator Lift Control Systems that are available"
(WR, SG, SB, PW and HW). All have the same standard equipment/parts. See catalog (top of page) for more details.



WR = Wireless Remote Control with 12v Battery on Groomer. Wireless Control. Does not use tow machine battery.



SG = Corded Switch Box System with 12v Battery on Groomer. Does not use tow machine battery. Hand held corded switch.



SB = Corded Switch Box System. Uses 12V battery of your tow machine. Has hand held SwitchBox control and 2 Extension Wires.



PW = Portable Wireless Remote Control. Uses 12V battery of your tow machine. Benefits of wireless at a lower cost!



HW = Hard Wired Control System. Wire direct into your tow machine. Dash Mounted Rocker Switch Control & Complete Wiring Pkg.

Direct USA


Optional Accessories / Attachments
Please refer to the catalog, link shown above, for details on all optional accessories.



Magnet 72" Wide (Complete with N52 Rare Earth Neodymium Magnets - strongest available) Optimal 3rd rear attachment forTurf



Rubber Mat 72" Wide (use on Golf Greens and Turf as rear attachment)



Ball Coupler Hitch, 1-7/8"



Ball Coupler Hitch, 2.00"



Drag Mat 84" wide x 36" deep, with our exclusive Rack Mount System that carries and pulls the drag mat



Drag Mat Rack Only (customer uses their own drag mat with our special carrier rack)



Additional 6-Brush Broom Carriage (mount to front of the frame by removing the spring tines to double the brushing action)



Extra "WR" Wireless Transmitter for WR or PW Systems.



"HW" Add'l Tow Machine Wiring Package When a customer chooses the "HW" Lift System they might want to install wiring on more than
one tow machine to operate the groomer. This option is a wiring package that can be installed on a second tow machine.


3 Choices

Add a Backup Electric Control System. 3 Choices to choose from. SB, PW or SG. A "backup control system" can be used to
bypass the original control system in the case of a dead battery, misplaced transmitter, broken wire, etc. If you simply have to groom,
no matter what, then consider one of these backup systems. See catalog for more details or each system.

HyBrid 154-7468 pics, 150dpi, D Titled 625w

Turf and Infield Grooming Needs? HyBrid Convertible Groomer HY72. Attachments to groom Turf and Infields.

Sports Turf Groomers For Sale Here. Factory Direct Pricing. Don't Miss Our Catalog for More Details.

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Heying Company  Phone: 712.756.8847  Fax: 712.756.8849
Mailing Address: 515 6th Ave. Alton, Iowa 51003 
Manufacturing Address: 101 Tenth St. Alton, Iowa 51003 

Infield Groomers, Sports Turf Groomers, Golf Greens Groomers, Driveway-Yard-Trail Groomers For Sale Here. Factory Direct Pricing.
Proudly Made in the USA
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Heying Company   Alton, Iowa 51003  USA  Copyright (c) Heying Enterprises, All Rights Reserved 