Infield Groomers

Pro Infield

Infield Groomers

Infield Groomers

All Star
Infield Groomers

JD Bunker Rake Improvement Kit

JD Field Finisher BE23422

HY72 HyBrid Infield & Turf Groomer


Golf Greens Groomers


Driveway-Yard Groomers

Broom Groomers

Infield Groomers, Synthetic & Natural Turf Groomers, Golf Greens Groomer, Driveway Groomer, All Manufactured Here!

HeyingCompanyFactoryDirectGroomers Header A 1150

Drag Mats Compatible with BG, BR, HY, MG, DR, SF, TR, WB Groomers.

Will your Drag Mat be put behind a Grading Bar (with 90" Rear Broom) or a Broom Carriage (with no Rear Broom)?
They are mounted differently.

Behind a Grading Bar with 90" Broom.

MGDM-8436 Drag Mat with Rack, IMG_4898,100dpi,400wDrag Mats With Brackets.
3 Sizes Available.
ALDM-7236 72" wide x 36" deep.
ALDM-7836 78" wide x 36" deep.
ALDM-8436 84" wide x 36" deep.
Drag Mat Brackets are included when you
order an optional Drag Mat attachment.
Note: 84" is the widest Drag Mat we offer.

ALDM-1000 Drag Mat Brackets IMG_3533 125hALDM-1000 Drag Mat Brackets only
(no drag mat).
Yes, you can order our brackets and
use your own drag mat if desired.
For best results we recommend that you add a front
 support tube to your drag mat pull edge.
Instructions on how to add this tube included when
you order the drag mat brackets. All of our mats have a tube mounted to the front that
 adds support while it rides in the brackets and while being pulled during use.

ALDM-1000 Drag Mat Brackets,IMG_1735,100dpi,400w,BDrag Mat Rolled in Brackets, 100x400Brackets attach to the Rear Finishing Broom to carry, pull, and hold the
drag mat behind the groomer at all times (no need to hand carry the drag mat). The mat can quickly be mounted or removed from the special brackets without tools when needed. Mat can be centered on rear smoothing broom or staggered left to right in 1.00" increments.

HyBrid HY72 Infield with Drag Mat,IMG_187,100dpi,400w

Behind a Broom Carriage

MGDM-8436 Drag Mat with Rack,IMG_4821,100dpi,400wDrag Mat With Rack.
3 Sizes Available.

MGDM-8436 84" wide x 36" deep.
Drag Mat Rack included when you
order this optional Drag Mat attachment.

MGRK-4200 Drag Mat Rack,IMG_4781,100dpi,300wMGRK-4200 Drag Mat Rack only (no drag mat).
Yes, you can order our Rack and
use your own drag mat if desired.
For best results we recommend that you add a front support
tube to your drag mat pull edge. Instructions on how to add
this tube included when you order the drag mat rack.

All of our mats have a tube mounted to the front that adds support while it rides in the brackets and while being pulled during use.

BR72 with Drag Mat,IMG_4914,100dpi,300wRack attaches to the rear of the frame to carry, pull, and hold the drag mat behind the groomer at all times (no need to hand carry the drag mat). Mat can quickly be mounted or removed from the special brackets without tools. Mat can be centered or staggered left to right in 1.00" increments.

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Heying Company  Phone: 712.756.8847  Fax: 712.756.8849
Mailing Address: 515 6th Ave. Alton, Iowa 51003 
Manufacturing Address: 101 Tenth St. Alton, Iowa 51003 

Infield Groomers, Sports Turf Groomers, Golf Greens Groomers, Driveway-Yard-Trail Groomers For Sale Here. Factory Direct Pricing.
Proudly Made in the USA
We Respect Customer Privacy. Any information provided is used solely for internal purposes and is never sold, shared, or traded.
Heying Company   Alton, Iowa 51003  USA  Copyright (c) Heying Enterprises, All Rights Reserved 

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